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PowerUP Electric Window Cleaning Hose Reel Design Change
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PowerUP Electric Window Cleaning Hose Reel Design Change

A switch from 3D belt to HD chain drive starts Monday 7th August 2023!

Product design update:

From Monday 7th August 2023, all Waterworks PowerUP wfp systems will be driven by a new bespoke 12v HD motor, HD stainless steel sprocket and HD 6mm chain.  They’ll have the same drive system as our previous popular model PowerUP-HD therefore permanently eliminating the need for a belt change and making it perfect for water fed pole.

The new drive system also gives us a speed, torque and longevity comparable with PowerUP-HD electric hose reel which our customers found to be perfect for them for over 10 years without maintenance.

The new PowerUP HD Chain Drive is the complete package:

We listen carefully to our customers and take all feedback very seriously which is why we have been making constant improvements to the reel since its release in April 2020.  Over the last 12 months, customer feedback has indicated that even if a belt lasted 3 years, it is not preferable to a permanent chain despite the perceived benefits.

One of our valued customers commented “it would be the complete package with chain drive”

What he meant was the format is perfect, 24hr delivery, sleek corrosion free design, lightweight, easy to install, compatible with all water fed pole systems and sleek, but a future belt change may be off-putting to potential new customers.

So it becomes permanently maintenance free and here is what to expect:

The addition of the HD drive system means the performance characteristics have changed, for example:

Sound:  The sound has changed and become very slightly louder during rewind.  The new sound however is reassuringly mechanical, and you can sense HD 10 year durability from the first push of the button.

HD Chain Sprocket:  The new gearing is comparable to PowerUP-HD meaning it has the torque to effortlessly rewind hoses from 100M away with the perfect manageable speed.  Its the best in the business in terms of window cleaning equipment.

New HD MotorThere have been a number of different motor types used over the past 3 years with varying speeds and torqueThe new HD motor puts the reel right back into the sweet spot while offering unrivalled window cleaning reel durability.

New HD ChainCompletely eliminates future belt changes and slippage.  It’s a positive drive meaning slippage is not possible.  We have kept the easy tensioning feature from previous belt models so there is absolutely no need for complete reel disassembly, even for a motor change or chain tensioning.

In summary

This new level of maintenance free working is in line with our new and super robust hose guides and security pulleys

When comparing the new PowerUP electric hose reel to our rival window cleaning reels pay attention to what really counts, Bearing quality, stainless 4000PSI coupling with quick release (not brass or hoselock) extremely rigid and lightweight composite, corrosion free components, fast delivery, ease of installation, fully enclosed design, all system compatibility, hot water capability and price economy.  Add to that the new HD drive system for years of faultless and maintenance free operation.  It really is “the complete package”

15% off (5 Day Sale) starts Monday 7th August and finishes Friday 11th August.  Use discount code “DISCOUNT267841” at checkout.  Includes free delivery!



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