Why the electric hose reel is essential to your work

red electric hose reel PowerUp Chain Drive

.A purpose-built electric hose reel is a real game changer for any window cleaning professional. Compared to a manual reel, you won’t know how you did without it. In short, it’s much safer, and will save you an enormous amount of time and more importantly, money.

Why is the electric hose reel essential to your work? Because they make completely eliminate winding, lifting or using awkward trollies, saving you time, money and energy. Effective time management can allow you to get more jobs done and earn a better per-hour income.

Every window cleaning expert knows that certain aspects of the job are extremely time consuming. The strain and time it takes to wind up a manual hose reel multiple times a day takes a toll. Not only takes a toll on your body but eats away at your day.

Why use an electric hose reel instead of a manual hose reel?

Every window cleaning professional knows that time is money. A typical day or week may involve multiple trips and clients. If you’re struggling to service everyone, then an electric hose reel will save an enormous amount of time.

There are many benefits an electric hose reel can bring to your business compared to a manual reel, which include:

  • Time-saving: tasks such as reeling in a manual hose reel provide no benefit or value as far as your customer is concerned. It can take up a significant portion of your day. It’s reported that professional window cleaners spend up to an hour daily dealing with manual hoses. Saving an hour a day can give you extra time to move onto a new job or allow you to get home earlier.
  • Increased productivity and profit: time saved on your day by using an electric hose reel increase productivity. It also provides you with more money in your pocket. When considering new ways to improve your profitability as a window cleaning professional, cutting down on unnecessary time spent on manual labour is a major plus. An efficient system will pay for itself in the long run. So, if you’re questioning whether the purchase is not a worthwhile investment, you are mistaken.
  • Reduces fatigue and injury: the strain of lifting and winding up a manual hose reel multiple times a day can take its toll. Having to endure this has a big impact on not only fatigue but can be one of the main causes of repetitive strain injuries. The use of a high-quality electric reel system can also help reduce the strain on a window cleaner’s muscles around the shoulder, neck and back.
  • Efficiency: An electric hose reel placed conveniently in the back of your van. It makes the whole process and job at hand easier. Window cleaning professionals often have to make multiple trips and service multiple clients during the day, so it is important to improve your efficiency wherever possible. An electric hose reel will improve your efficiency tenfold, especially if you have a high-quality system, like the PowerUp 3D.

What system is beneficial for my business?

In the window cleaning business, you need to be as efficient as possible, saving time and making your life easier wherever possible. One way you can drastically improve your way of working is by having a high-quality system. As far as window cleaning systems go, the PowerUp 3D is a cut above the rest. The Power Up 3D is not so much of an update to the Power Up HD reel, it’s a complete redesign. We believe the PowerUp 3D reel system is essential if you want to maximise your profits.

Power Up 3D

The PowerUP 3D is a unique low-torque, high-speed belt-driven design, all of which is encased in custom-built composite housing. It features high-grade, zinc-plated, sealed bearings, ideally suited to Window Cleaning hoses.

All of this ensures nothing but effortlessly smooth performance, highlighted by the silent, smooth operation that replaces the rattling and clunking you get with other reels. The PowerUp 3D and all our electric hose reels are designed to work with existing water-fed pole battery systems.

The PoweUp 3D is designed and manufactured in the UK. It arrives fully assembled, simply remove the reel from its custom packaging. Fix it into place, connect the two ring terminals to your existing battery and you’re ready to push the button. Simply click your choice of hose & wind it onto the reel.

You can choose to buy a full UK assembled and made window cleaning system package from us or simply retrofit our electric hose reel system (and other components) to your existing setup.

The Power UP 3D is the ideal electric hose reel system, all your effort can be focused on providing a better end service in less time and making more per hour as you can squeeze in more jobs in the same amount of time.

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